Imprint / Data Protection


Daros Latinamerica AG

Concept and Direction (2015–2017)
Domingo Eduardo Ramos

Concept, Design, and Development
Eyekon AG



Reproductions of works
© the artist or his/her legal successor

© 2020, ProLitteris, Zürich, Switzerland, for the following works of the following artists:

Alexander Apóstol
El silencio, 2003
Golden Towers, 2003
23 de enero, 2003

Carmelo Arden Quin
Poème-objet, 1975

Fernando Arias
¿Quién da más?, 1997
La historia de Arias, 1998
Lego Coffin (Homage to the Children of the Drug War), 2000
Crisi’s, 2004

Tania Bruguera
Absolución, 1995
Destierro, 1998
Autobiografía - Inside Cuba, 2003

Luis Camnitzer
Sentences. Adhesive Labels for #1 Mail Exhibition of New York Graphic Workshop, 1966-1967
This Is a Mirror. You Are a Written Sentence., 1966-1968
Esto es un espejo. Usted es una frase escrita., 1966-1973
Envelope, 1967
Fragment of a Cloud, 1967
Rubber Stamps, 1967
Horizon, 1968
Living Room, 1968
Selfportrait 1968, 1968
Selfportrait 1970, 1968/2006
Selfportrait 1972, 1968/2006
Biblioteca, 1968-1973
Contenido: Exhibición N° 1-4 Luis Camnitzer, 1969
Dictionary 1, 1969
Dictionary 2, 1970
Dictionary 3, 1970
Execution, 1970
First, Second, Third Degree Burn, 1970
A Statement Enclosed in Itself, 1971
Content, Approx. 1971
Miraculous appearance of a dot, 1971
Firma para vender por tajadas al peso, 1971-1973
A) Object covered by its own image; B) Object covered by the viewer’s image., 1971-1974
Compounded Error, 1972
Copy, 1972
Fragmentos de firma para vender por centímetro, 1972
Pintura mural original, 1972
Forma determinada por la conexión de los puntos externos del texto describiendo la forma., 1972-1974
Circunferencia, 1973
Coca-Cola Bottle filled with a Coca-Cola Bottle, 1973
Image constructed with words arranged in a sequence to form a sentence. (Sentence forming an image that looks like a sentence.), 1973
Distance representing a time difference of 0.00058504269 seconds between east and west (New York City)., 1973-1975
Fake Etching, 1973-1975
Span of the hand as a unit of lineal measure converted to one inch., 1973-1975
The Form Generating the Content., 1973-1977
Woman looking (at: an apple, an accident through the window, her drying fingernails, a pornographic magazine, an embroided pillow, a screaming crowd, a grease spot on a checkered tablecloth, a telephone ringing, Eisenstein’s face for approval)., 1974
Pencil drawing done after L. Cranach’s “Pythagoras as discoverer of the musical intervals” and erased from the paper., 1974-1975
Real edge of the line that divides reality from fiction., 1974-1975
Aguafuerte de Picasso “Modelo y escultura surrealista” serie Vollard N. 74, 1933 convertido en una sola línea, en un hilo, en una espiral, en su precisa longitud (cms. 813)., 1975
El instrumento y su obra., 1976
Posibles autorretratos según condiciones genéticas idénticas (estudio para la eventual construcción de una raza)., 1976
Silence / Repression, 1976
The Shadow of the Horizon, 1976/1983
The Book of Holes, 1977
The Perception of Oneself., 1977-1980
Arbitrary Objects and Their Titles, 1979
Landscape as an Attitude, 1979
Plusvalía, 1979
Hommage to Duchamp, 1980
Hommage to Duchamp, 1980
Pintura bajo hipnosis, 1980
The Discovery of Geometry, 1981
The Invention of Rain, 1981
The Photograph, 1981
Two Identical Objects, 1981
Dollar shelf, 1988
El viaje, 1991
Portrait of the Artist, 1991
Selbstbedienung, 1996
Las memorias del agua, 1998
Fenster, 2001-2002
Fenster, 2001-2002
King of Hearts, 2002
Compass, 2003

Maria Fernanda Cardoso
Corona para una princesa Chibcha, 1990
American Marble, 1992 / 2000
Dancing Frogs on Wall, 2002
Untitled, 1990
Sol negro, 1990
American Marble, 1992 / 2000

Carlos Cruz-Diez
Muro de cilindros pivotantes manipulables, 1954, Caracas
Proyecto para un muro exterior, 1954, Caracas / 1965, Paris (reconstruction)
Fisicromía 2, 1959, Caracas
Fisicromía 13, 1960, Caracas
Physichromie 20, 1960, Paris
Physichromie 51, 1962, Paris
Physichromie 225, 1966, Paris
Physichromie 317, 1967, Paris
Physichromie 1110, 1978, Paris

Antonio Dias
Galáxias, 1963/2015
Untitled, 1964
Jogo da nausea, 1964
Solitário, 1967
Coletivo, 1967
History, 1968
To the Police, 1968
Do It Yourself: Freedom Territory, 1968
Trama, 1968/1977
Environment for the Prisoner: The Day/The Night, 1970
The Occupied Country, 1970
The Wall Painter, 1970
Project for “The Body”, 1970
The Illustration of Art/One & Three/Strechers, 1971
A Ilustraçao da Arte/Economia/Modelo, 1975
The Electrician, 1986
Todas as cores dos homens, 1995

Gonzalo Díaz
Al calor del pensamiento, 1999
Resistencia, 1999

Paz Errázuriz
Mercedes, Evelyn, 1987
Evelyn I, 1987
Pilar. La Palmera, 1987
Mercedes, 1987
Evelyn II, 1987
Evelyn III, 1987
Evelyn IV, 1987
Coral, Caty. Santiago, 1987
Evelyn, Hector, 1987
Macarena, Coral, 1987
Coral, Macarena, 1987
Priscila, Leyla. Santiago, 1987
Susuki, Andrea Polpaico. Talca, 1987
Andrea Polpaico. Talca, 1987
Chichi, Maribel, Pilar, Deborah. Talca, 1987
Maribel. Talca, 1987
Leyla. Talca, 1987
-1-, 1994
-2-, 1994
-7-, 1994
-25-, 1994
-26-, 1994
-28-, 1994
-29-, 1994
-38-, 1994
Ester Eden Wellington-Atáp.1., 1996
Seno Skyring, 1996
Yolanda Messier, 1996
Fresia Alessandri Baker-Jérwar-asáwer, 1996
Carlos Renchi Sotomayor-C’ákuol, 1996
Emiliana Carreño, 1996
Ester Eden Wellington-Atáp.2. , 1996
Mujer 1, 1999
Mujeres 2, 1999
Mujeres 3, 1999
Baño, 1999
Baño 2, 1999
Mujeres 4, 1999
Mujer Peñaflor, 1999
Mujeres 5, 1999
Mujeres 6, 1999
Baño 3, 1999
Mujer en asilo 1, 1983-2000
Mujer en asilo 2, 1983-2000
Mujer en silla de ruedas, 1983-2000
Hombre con muletas, 1983-2000
Mujer con auto, 1983-2000
Las juezas, 1983-2000
Mujer y monja, 1983-2000
Vieja jueza, 1983-2000
Vendedora de flores, 1983-2000
La reina, 1983-2000
El angel blanco, 1990
Robin, 1990
Ruby, 1990
Boxeador 1, 1987
Boxeador 2, 1987
Bar La Sirena, 1990
Señor Corales, 1984
Coreto, 1984
Mago 1, 1984
Trapecistas, 1984
Acróbata, 1984
Miss Piggy 1, 1984
Miss Piggy 2, 1984
Mago 2, 1984
Malabares, 1984
La conquista de América, 1989 / 2013
La conquista de América, 1989 / 2013

Maria Freire
Untitled, 1951-1952
Escultura, 1953
Construcción heurística, 1954
En un plano azul, 1956
Composición en rojo, 1956
Composición, 1956

Regina José Galindo
Perra, 2005
Limpieza social, 2006

Julio Le Parc
Boîte-lumière, 1960/1971
Continuel-lumière – Mobile, 1960/1966
Continuel-lumière, 1960/1966
Continuel-lumière écran en plastique, 1960/1966
Continuel-lumière cylindre, 1962
Continuel-mobil, 1962/1996
Images projetées, 1962
Lumière en mouvement – Installation, 1962/1999
Lumière visualisée, 1962/1981
Lumière visualisée A – Variation sur thème 1962, 1996
Lumière visualisée B – Variation sur thème 1962, 1996
Cellule à pénétrer, 1963/2005
Cellule avec miroirs curves et lumière en mouvement, 1963/2005
Continuel-lumière au plafond, 1963/1996
Lumière en mouvement, 1964
Lumière sur ressort, 1964
Sol instable, 1964/2005
12 lunettes pour une vision autre, 1965
Jeux avec deux balles de ping-pong, 1965
Jeux avec deux balles de ping-pong en couleur, 1965
Table jeux avec balles de ping-pong, 1965
4 doubles miroirs, 1966
Continuel-lumière avec formes en contorsions, 1966/1996
Ensemble de 8 mouvements surprises avec lumière pulsante, 1966/1971
Lampe projetée, 1966
Lumière pulsante, 1966
Reliève avec plaques réfléchissantes, 1966
Formes en contorsion, 1967
Continuel-lumière avec 49 cylindres vitesse lente, 1967
Continuel-lumière avec 49 cylindres vitesse rapide, 1967
Mouvement-surprise avec lumière pulsante, 1967
Cercle projeté, 1968
Lumière en vibration – Installation, 1968
Lumière saccadée, 1970
Lumières alternées, 1971
Lumière verticale visualisée – Installation, 1978
Image en vibration autoportrait, 1981
Rubans au vent, 1988
Lumières alternées, 1993
Cercles successifs, 1996
Ligne-losange, 1996
Lumière sur mât, 1999

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer
Surface Tension, 1991-1993/2004
Pulse Index, 2010

Ana Mendieta
Untitled (Amategram), 1983
Untitled (Glass on Body Imprints), 1972
Untitled (Glass on Body Imprints), 1972
Rape Scene, 1973
Blood and Feathers, 1974
Burial Pyramid, 1974
On Giving Life, 1975
Alma, silueta en fuego, 1975
Anima, silueta de cohetes, 1976
Untitled, 1980

Vik Muniz
Clown Skull, 1989-1990
I Am What I Read #2, 1989
Escape, 1990
16’200 Yards (Le songeur), after a 1854 cliché-verde by J.B.C. Corot, 1996
12'000 Yards. Etretat, d’après Courbet, 1997
Medusa Marinara, 1997
Sigmund, 1997
Andy Warhol, 2000
Barry Le Va (diptych) After, Continuous and Related Activities; Discontinued by the Act of Dropping, 1967, installed at the Whitney Museum in “The New Sculpture 1965-75: Between Geometry and Gesture,” February 20-June 3, 1990, 2000
Che (Black Bean Soup), 2000
Richard Serra, Prop,1968, installed at the Whitney Museum in “Contemporary American Sculpture: Selection 2,” April 4-May 5, 1969, 2000
Robert Morris After Untitled (L-Beams), 1965, installed at the Whitney Museum in “American Sculpture: Gifts of Howard and Jean Lipman,” April 15-June 15, 1980, 2000
Clip, 2002
Hanger, 2002
Scissors, 2002
Small Change, 2003
Toy Soldier, 2003
Marilyn Monroe, 2004
WWW (World Map), 2008
Nossa Senhora das Graças, 2008

Wilfredo Prieto
Apolítico, 2001

Nelson Ramos
Gran cortina de verticals, 1970
Puerta de mi casa, 1978
Circo, 1984
Reversible, 1978
Verticales ordenadas, 1978

Santiago Sierra
Documentation of Twenty 40" x 40" Squares of Sidewalk, 2000
Obstrucción de una vía con un contenedor de carga, 1998
465 Personas remuneradas, 1999
Público transportado entre dos puntos de la Ciudad de Guatemala, 2000

Jesús Rafael Soto
Rojo, negro y vibración, 1969
Inmateriales en muro blanco, 1976
Tríptico horizontal negro, 1977

Horacio Zabala
Este papel es una cárcel, 1972/2007
Seis imágenes del fragmento 30 (I), 1973
Anteproyecto de cárcel subterránea para artistas (A), Anteproyecto de cárcel flotante para artistas (B), Anteproyecto de cárcel sobre columna para artistas (C), 1973
Revisar/Censurar, 1974
Anteproyecto para Tzinacán (III), 1975

© Fundación Gego, for the following works:
Gego (Gertrud Goldschmidt)
Tronco No.2, 1975
Dibujo sin papel 87/2, 1987

Courtesy Estate of Torres García, for the following work:
Joaquín Torres-García
Formas anímicas en rojo y negro, 1938

(All copyrights reserved. All reproductions as well as other uses without permission—with exception of the individual and private download of, or access to, the works—are forbidden.)


Website and its Content

© 2020, Daros Latinamerica AG, Zürich, Switzerland

Daros Latinamerica AG has made every effort to identify all holders of copyrights for the works reproduced. If it has nevertheless neglected to mention a given copyright holder (artist, photographer, or legal successor thereof), the rightful copyright holders are asked to contact Daros Latinamerica AG.

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The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon. While reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and complete, Daros Latinamerica AG declines all liability for any errors or omissions, or for the result of any use of the information on this website.

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Daros Latinamerica AG, Löwenstrasse 25, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland