Puntos de vista presented a wealth of different aspects of contemporary artistic creativity in Latin America. The exhibition encompassed 160 works by 31 artists who live or have lived in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, Columbia, Mexico, Uruguay, and the Dominican Republic. The pieces on show are as heterogeneous as their countries of origin.
The exhibit mirrored the range of contemporary artistic output by presenting installations, photographs, and videos as well as objects, paintings and drawings. Throughout the 20th century, art from Central and South America was neglected by the West. Only since the 1990s has international interest developed, with Latin American artists exhibiting at Biennales and the Documenta. Western clichés and vague ideas of the exotic, alien, multi-colored and magical still seem widespread, however.
The works selected from the Daros Latinamerica Collection range from 1968 to 2005 and primarily represent the traditions of conceptualist and constructivist art. Since the 1950s these movements have given rise to new approaches in Latin America, often involving irony, wit, and the pursuit of subversive strategies.
Curators: Hans Günter Golinski, Sepp Hiekisch-Picard, Kirsten S. Xani